First Day as a Millionaire
At one point in time in our lives we all have wondered what it would be like to be rich. We all imagine the crazy things we could do and, for some, all the people we would be able to help. I have gone as far as to make a list of the things I want to do with the money and write down the ways I would distribute it amongst myself and loved ones. Let’s say you have just won the lottery or struck oil. Now imagine that you have just confirmed with your bank that a large amount of money is being wired to your account and it will be available in the morning. Just imagine that for a second. Now imagine that when you wake up tomorrow morning and there are millions in your bank account. The question I propose to you: What would you do the very first day you were rich? Here’s what I would do.
8:00 a.m – The first thing I would do after waking up is call the bank’s automated system and assure that the money is in the account. I think this is more to reassure myself that I am not dreaming. After getting out of bed, I would put on Kanye’s “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” while I brush my teeth and get ready for the day.
8:30 a.m – While eating breakfast, I would open up my check book and begin writing out checks to my friends, family members and a few organizations I’ve always wanted to contribute too. To be completely honest, when it comes to giving money to my family, I would give way more to the uncles that have always been there for me and supported me my entire life. As far as organizations go, I’ve always wanted to give to the LIVESTRONG foundation, and maybe sponsor a local sports team. After breakfast I would get on my computer and look up local real estate offices and a few financial advisors in the area. I want to make sure that my finances are being used properly and that I won’t make a bad decision. Once I obtain all the addresses and all the checks are ready, I’m out the door.
9:00 a.m – As soon as the real estate office opens, which most are generally around 9, I will try and meet with a realtor. I will explain my situation to them and begin looking at available houses in the areas that I want and also look for houses for my mom, dad, and brother. Once we have a general idea of what I want to buy, I’ll set up a few dates to go and look at the houses to make sure I like them.
10:00 a.m – After the realtor, I would go visit a financial advisor and explain to them the current situation and try and hire them to help me monitor my expenses. I want to make sure to buy or start a business and invest in certain stocks to make sure that I’m not just spending money, but that I have money coming in also.
11:00 a.m – Once I get all the “business” matters out of the way, I would make my way over to the Audi dealership. After walking around the dealership for a few minutes I would immediately walk up to whichever sales person I see first and tell them, “I want to buy an S5.” Once I buy the car, I’d start driving to Los Angeles.
Noon – Driving to Los Angeles.
1:00 p.m – The very first place I would go to in LA would have to be STAPLES Center. I’d buy Lakers and Clippers season tickets for myself, my little brother, and my dad. After leaving STAPLES, I’d go to Philippe’s and have lunch.
2:00 p.m – After lunch, I’d look around downtown to try and find a jewelry store to buy my mom a gift. I’d probably buy myself a Rolex only because I have never been a jewelry person, but I have an obsession with watches. Once I buy my mom her gift, I would begin making my way to the beach.
4:00 p.m – After surviving beautiful Los Angeles traffic, I’d make it to my favorite beach, Corona Del Mar. I would start to think that being in traffic wasn’t even that bad considering I was in a really nice new car. It was almost, dare I say it, enjoyable. Once at the beach, I would take a nice long walk by myself to clear my head and make sure that everything I was doing was the right choice. I would also evaluate my situation before the money and see where I needed change and who has truly been there for me before this extravagant lifestyle. The beach would just be a good time for self reflection.
7:00 p.m – Once back in town I would invite my closest friends to dinner. I would take them to Corky’s in Rancho Cucamonga, one of my favorite restaurants. I would take this time to announce my new found success and thank them for always being there for me.
10:00 p.m – After hanging out with my friends, I would come home and watch TV and browse the internet. Maybe look up and buy a few things like a new bike, personal training, new computer, electronics, and little things like that.
Midnight – After such an eventful day, I lay my head down and reflect once more. As I’m falling asleep I say a prayer and drift away into dream land.
Thank you for reading. Now I’m curious, what would your day be like? Please leave me a brief or detailed description. I’d love to read it. Thank you again for reading!
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